Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Progress, Not?

it sounds like we are making a lot progress these days huh?
Faster Car, taller buildings, newest phones, more eautiful tvs.... but are we really moving forward? If we think about it, our body capacity is regressing over the year.
Can you run whenever the bus you want to caatch is approaching at the bus station?
Can you lift the all the grocery shopping you did on weekend without help of cart?
Can you even calcurate 23 times 76 in your head (hell no for me!) So my point is, as technology advances we are actually getting less and less work.
But wait, aren't all technologies also keeping us work too? For instance, online classes allow us to study and submit paper even on the weekends. Also,due to useful reserch technologies such as internet actually rising standard of universities.
As for me, I was caought on prajuarism recently for not citing source. It was aweful and I felt really stupid for not being aware of such idioclatic act.
Anyways, back the point, technologies are something supporting our daily lives and became quite hundful baddy of ours. But can we imagine life without technologies and Can we be aware of how foolish we gonna look with out any protection by technologies?
pic from: www.masternewmedia.org/2008/05/

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